Electrician Services on the Gold Coast

Day Night hours of operation

Prompt service and electrical breakdown specialists. ABSOLUTELY

Day Night hours of operation

Loss of power and lighting. Safety switches tripping - CALL US NOW

Day Night hours of operation

Extra power outlets - ceiling fans, IXL heaters, NBN roll-out, extra data points throughout house - CAN DO

Day Night hours of operation

Broken down dishwashers, washing machines, fridges, freezers - CALL US NOW

Day Night hours of operation

House renovations, new kitchens, new bathrooms - all electrical requirements - CAN DO

Day Night hours of operation

Plant and machinery breakdowns - CALL US NOW

Day Night hours of operation

Air conditioning installations and service work, breakdowns and repairs - CAN DO

Day Night phone number

Let's discuss surge protection

A house in a storm that will need an electrician

Should you unplug when you know a storm is coming?

Yes – definitely. Lightning is a killer of all electronic devices. Power surges caused by lightning are huge and can cause equally huge damage to your electronic equipment. Even an indirect lightning strike near a power line can induce a power surge at high voltages which can damage your computers, TV’s, solar inverters, sound equipment and the electronic components within all your household appliances.

Our advice is to that when you hear that distant rumble of thunder, it is time to act, do the rounds of the house and unplug your equipment.

Find out the full story about surge protection on our blog.

Service and Maintenance?

We take pains to know all the details particular to your installation and needs, which results in trouble-free operations, lower operating costs and far less unnecessary downtime.

A New Installation?

Residential or commercial, we have the electricians and the experience to give you the right price for a job you can rely on.

No job is too big or too small for Day Night